
Accommodation Bedstock surveys have been undertaken in collaboration between the Welsh Government and Local Authorities. The surveys have been jointly funded and undertaken according to a standard method (using standard questionnaires and definitions), with the results being provided by Local Authorities for collation centrally by the Welsh Government. This information is important for planning and investment purposes, especially at local levels.


Each Local Authority was responsible for collecting data relating to accommodation providers in their area using a standard questionnaire and definitions, and this was collated by Welsh Government for further analysis.

The data collection is intended to give as complete a picture as possible of the visitor accommodation supply in Wales, and thus every accommodation provider is contacted and asked to complete the survey. However, it is not practicably possible to identify and gather data from all businesses and therefore the figures in this report provide the best available ‘snapshot’ of accommodation supply at a given time. Figures shown in this report are given in good faith based on information provided by Local Authorities, but there may be some inconsistencies in the way accommodation is categorised.

Bedstock figures give the maximum bedspace capacity, although some establishments may be closed or partially closed at certain times during the year so not all rooms, units or bedspaces counted are available at all times. In particular, caravan and camping sites are likely to operate seasonally, being closed or operating with reduced bedspaces over winter.

The table below summarises the number of establishments per accommodation category by Local Authority, a full breakdown of the report is available in the link at the bottom of the article.

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