The four Regional Tourism Fora (in north, mid, south-west and south-east Wales) will influence and inform the delivery of our shared aims, ambitions and priorities for the visitor economy as set out in the strategy ‘Welcome to Wales: priorities for the visitor economy 2020-25’.
The overall aim of the Regional Tourism Fora, aligned to the Visitor Economy Forum, is to provide the Welsh Government and Visit Wales with a representative voice for the visitor economy sector, its employers, and its workforce (tourist accommodation, hospitality, attractions, events and night-time economy) by providing feedback and advice from the sector to inform Welsh Government actions.
This approach is consistent with the social partnership approach of government, employers and trade unions working together in a spirit of co-operation and collaboration, to fulfil shared ambitions and address common concerns.
The objectives of the group will be to:
- Encourage partnership and collaboration between all sectors of the visitor economy at a regional level in support of the delivery of the national strategy ‘Welcome to Wales: priorities for the visitor economy 2020-25’.
- Provide a better understanding of the issues, challenges and opportunities facing the sector at a regional level to ensure that priorities are aligned and that the delivery arrangements at all levels are effectively managed.
- Advise on interventions and policies that impact on development and marketing activities, making sure that government’s promotion of the sector serves the interests of employers, workers and ultimately visitors.
- Consider innovative approaches to support the visitor economy sector, including in relation to workforce recruitment, training and development, and ensure these are consistent with fair work.
- Work in social partnership to identify, promote and diffuse approaches to improve the experience of work in the visitor economy, so that fair work is normalised across the sector and career paths with pay progression are developed.
- Provide advice on strategic communications for the short, medium and long-term future.
Organisational arrangements
- Membership will comprise of representatives from the public and private sector which includes, Welsh Government and Visit Wales officials, Local Authorities, National Park Authorities, Tourism Associations, Destination Management Partnerships and members relevant to the region.
- There will be a rolling membership and new members must be approved by the Chair and the Forum.
- Only members from the private sector may hold the post of Chair. vice chair should normally be elected from within the private sector and is not considered chair elect. If no interest in the post of vice chair is expressed, then consideration should be given to a public sector member.
- Chair and vice Chair to be elected by membership vote for a period of 3 years / 5 years subject to challenge after 3 years.
- The Chair will represent the Regional Forum on the Visitor Economy Forum.
- Named members unable to attend may send an alternative representative.
- The Fora will meet on a quarterly basis with at least one face to face meeting annually. Additional meetings may be added in exceptional circumstances.
- Secretariat will be provided by Visit Wales. Chair decides on the agenda for each meeting in liaison with Visit Wales. Minutes and action points will be circulated to members following each meeting and available, on request, from the Regional Engagement Manager.
- All four regions shall operate under the same Terms of Reference for consistency. Any changes to the ‘Terms of Reference’ must be proposed and agreed at a Regional Forum meeting by a majority of members in attendance and placed before all four regions for agreement and implementation.
Reporting / communication arrangements
Each member of the Board will be responsible for cascading / sharing actions or messages, as necessary, with their respective stakeholders as a matter of course after each meeting.